DayZ Vanilla servers


Vanilla Dayz servers, with improved building and 24/7 moderation.No pay to win, no bullshit.Join the discord below to become apart of the community and have the Dayz experience you’ve always wanted.

(Continue scrolling to see what we are about)

Vanilla Base Building

Base building will remain the same as vanilla!However, we've added code locks as a quality of life feature.We want base building to be as beginner friendly as possible, so we've had help from ____________ to teach you the basics of building your first base in DayZ.We've kept it as Vanilla as possible. To view the tutorials as per the text below click on the orange "Base Building" text.

(Click on the orange base building to see more)

Custom Chernarus

Our developer has expanded on existing parts of the Chernarus.Enjoy an expanded North West Airfield.An expanded North East Airfield.An expanded Tisy, and...Of course he had to add an expanded Balota Airfield.

(Click on the orange custom map to see more)

More Random Events

You know those helicopter crashes, convoys and train wrecks?Well, our developer has made a few more custom random events.Expect to randomly run into crashed military conveys, ambulances, boats, ghillie zombies and random hidden stashes.

(Click on the orange random events to see more)

Keep scrolling... theres even more


We've added some things to make your life easier while playing on our servers.


Toggle a button to autorun, keep those fingers from falling off.


We gotta discuss the issue with cars.we've removed damage, added better traction and earplugs, you can still get murdered in a PVP situation if you are in a car though so don't try to hide ;)

Gun Names

All guns have their real life names.

Combinable Items

Always wanted to combine your used bandages, tape, leather sowing kit, sharpening stone... you get the idea, you can do that now.

Improved Cannibalism

Look, hear me out, if you were in the apocalypse and had to eat another human to survive, would you?The answer is, well, probably yes...We have added a Kuru Antibody Injector for that one time you "really just didn't have any food and had no other choice" ;)


It's an AU/NZ server, if you cant have a smoko after loosing five days worth of gear to fresh spawn what are you doing?Packs of cigarettes can be found around the map and do not affect gameplay.(Keep in mind we are looking at getting a custom mod developed for Australian/NZ branded cigarettes)

Cheaters suck :(

Our developer has created not only one, but two state of the art custom anti-cheats that will help us ban cheaters with ease, we can't give away specifics due to security reasons, but just know you can rest assured.We have an extensive moderation team that will be able to reply to all reports on a 24/7 basis.All reports will be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly.Lost loot to a cheater that got banned?
We will compensate you!

© ZYZZ ZERVERZ. All rights reserved.


